Friday, August 23, 2013

September Choir Calendar of Events

Welcome to all our new choir parents and
Welcome Back to all our returning parents!

Please find below the September Choir Calendar of Events, please check back often for updates and any last minute details:

September 4th - Night of Stars auditions
September 5th - Mandatory Fall Parent Meeting, 7pm, Choir Room. Please make plans to have at least one parent attend. We need lots of volunteers to make all of our programs a success. Even if you can't be there during the day we can use your help early mornings and through donations. It's a busy year and we have a new staff member in the department, come and meet Mr. Taylor.
September 14th - We sing the National Anthem at the KHS vs. Woodlands varsity football game at Rhodes Stadium, 6pm.
September 16th - Dress Rehearsal for Night of Stars, 7pm, PAC
September 17th - Night of Stars, 7pm, PAC
September 21st - District Choir Auditions, CRHS, times TBA

Sunday, August 4, 2013

CHOIR MOVE-IN DAY-We need your help

KHSCA Choir Council,

We are finally officially set for a work day on Monday, August 5, to set up the new Choir room. To get there, use the parking lot in front of the old west campus. There is a door with two ramps leading up to it. That's our entrance. The Choir room will be the first room on your left. Wear work clothes and shoes that will protect your feet. We will need to get things out of our mini warehouse on 5th Street at some point. Anyone who has a truck or SUV, we need your help.There is a lot to do and we need everyone who can help. If you can't be there, please help get the word out.

Pizza and drinks will be served.