Shout out Ads 2012-2013
Shout-Out ads are a wonderful way to send public praise to your student. Use pictures and text to create an appealing ad that expresses " Congratulations" or " We love you...." or " Break a Leg" to your favorite KHS choir student. Prices are as follows and all ads are due 2 weeks prior to the concert. Our next concert is Oct. 9. So ads will be due no later than Sept. 18, 2012.One Line (10 words max) $10 Quarter Page (3.5" x 4.5") $40
Business Card Size (3.5" x 2.5") $20 Half Page (7.5" x 4.5") $60
Full Page (7.5" x 10") $100
PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR ADS ELECTRONICALLY TO: and mail a paper copy of your ad and your payment to KHSCA, 6331 Highway Blvd, Katy, TX 77494 or place it in the safe in the choir room.
Don't forget Sept 18, 2012 deadline