Thursday, October 24, 2013

Reminder: Fundraisers are due 

Monday, Oct 28, 2013

Parents just a quick reminder that the fundraiser order forms and money are due Monday, October 28, 2013 in your students Choir class. Please get those turned in that day so that we can place the orders quickly.

Thank you so much for your support and participation!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Parents - Don't Forget

This week, Thursday, Sept. 5th at 7pm in the KHS Choir Room

Please make plans to have at least one parent attend. Mr. Dierdorf will cover the calendar of KHS choir events, MasterWorks, fundraising opportunities and answer questions from the parents.

We, KHSCA Board, need lots of volunteers to make all of our programs a success. Even if you can't be there during the day we can use your help early mornings for Chick-Fil-A breakfast biscuit sales and through donations of baked goods, cases of water, etc. 

It's a busy year and we have a new staff member in the Choir, come and meet Mr. Taylor.

Friday, August 23, 2013

September Choir Calendar of Events

Welcome to all our new choir parents and
Welcome Back to all our returning parents!

Please find below the September Choir Calendar of Events, please check back often for updates and any last minute details:

September 4th - Night of Stars auditions
September 5th - Mandatory Fall Parent Meeting, 7pm, Choir Room. Please make plans to have at least one parent attend. We need lots of volunteers to make all of our programs a success. Even if you can't be there during the day we can use your help early mornings and through donations. It's a busy year and we have a new staff member in the department, come and meet Mr. Taylor.
September 14th - We sing the National Anthem at the KHS vs. Woodlands varsity football game at Rhodes Stadium, 6pm.
September 16th - Dress Rehearsal for Night of Stars, 7pm, PAC
September 17th - Night of Stars, 7pm, PAC
September 21st - District Choir Auditions, CRHS, times TBA

Sunday, August 4, 2013

CHOIR MOVE-IN DAY-We need your help

KHSCA Choir Council,

We are finally officially set for a work day on Monday, August 5, to set up the new Choir room. To get there, use the parking lot in front of the old west campus. There is a door with two ramps leading up to it. That's our entrance. The Choir room will be the first room on your left. Wear work clothes and shoes that will protect your feet. We will need to get things out of our mini warehouse on 5th Street at some point. Anyone who has a truck or SUV, we need your help.There is a lot to do and we need everyone who can help. If you can't be there, please help get the word out.

Pizza and drinks will be served.

Monday, May 13, 2013

All-State Music summer camps

All-State Music

Summer Camps

We want to offer the following information on summer music camps held throughout Texas for high school students who are interested in working on the All-State Music and preparing for that process. 

We, KHSCA and Mr. Dierdorff, do not support any camp in particular and invite you to explore each one and see what works for your child. If you have another one you would like added to the list, please send it to Jennifer Hollingshead,

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Reminder - Senior Farewell Concert Tuesday, April 30 at 7pm in PAC

Just a reminder to all parents and students, the Senior Farewell Concert is Tuesday, April 30, 2013 at 7 pm in PAC. 

All underclassmen uniforms are due at the conclusion of the concert, seniors you have a few extra days. Please bring a change of clothes with you so that all items can be checked in and returned that evening. 

Parents, please allow a few extra minutes at the conclusion of our concert for your student to return their uniforms. Check-in of uniforms will be back stage for students ONLY.

New KHSCA Board for 2013-2014

We are so excited to announce the newly elected 2013-2014 KHSCA Board, which will take over from our existing Board in June 2013:

President - Debra Taylor
Vice-President - Jennifer Hollingshead
2nd Vice President - Era Kay Hill
3rd Vice President - Jocelyn Richardson
Treasurer - Debbie Mannion
Secretary - Carolyn Gardner
Asst. Secretary - Murphy Flores
At Large Member - Sharon Ferrell
Fundraising - Lisa Holland

Please look for additional information from the Board throughout the summer as we meet to finalize the budget, calendars, and fundraising events.

Monday, April 22, 2013


We are about elect a new Executive Board for the KHSCA. However, we need parents who can volunteer to serve. If you are interested in being part of our Executive Board next year, please attend our Parent Meeting, April 23, 2013 at 7pm in the choir room. 

We will discuss the process of selecting the Board, accept nominations and vote for those willing to serve on the Board. Those elected will then meet to discuss what positions they will hold for the next year. 

We would love to see our Freshman and Sophomore parents able to serve, many of the current board members are parents of incoming Seniors and want to pass the baton.

If you have any questions about serving, time commitments, or meeting times. Please email Chuck Spies, President at

Monday, March 25, 2013

Attention Choir Parents: We need your help!

We are about elect a new Executive Board for the KHSCA. However, we need parents who can volunteer to serve. If you are interested in being part of our Executive Board next year, please attend our Parent Meeting, April 23, 2013 at 7pm in the choir room. 

We will discuss the process of selecting the Board, accept nominations and vote for those willing to serve on the Board. Those elected will then meet to discuss what positions they will hold for the next year. 

We would love to see our Freshman and Sophomore parents able to serve, many of the current board members are parents of incoming Seniors and want to pass the baton.

If you have any questions about serving, time commitments, or meeting times. Please email Chuck Spies, President at

Friday, February 22, 2013

REMINDER: Final Payments for 

Spring Trip are Past Due

Parents just a quick reminder from our Treasurer, Debbie Mannion, that Spring Trip payments are now past due. Please get your final payments turned in ASAP. If you are chaperoning, please make sure that you have spoken with Mr. Dierdorff or one of board members to make your payments as well. The students and parent volunteers leave next week!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Mandatory Spring Trip Parent Meeting
Tuesday, Feb. 5th, 2013 at 7pm

Parents: We are asking for at least one parent and the student attending the Spring Trip to attend our Spring Trip Parent Meeting Tuesday, Feb. 5th at 7pm in the West Commons You can reach that via the main campus office or competition gym entrance.

This is a very important meeting where we will be signing the necessary forms for the trip, going over the details of departure and discussing items to be packed, etc. Please attend with your student. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Mandatory Parent Meeting for all Choir Students

Parents: We are asking for at least one parent to attend our Spring Parent Meeting Tuesday, Jan. 15th at 7pm in the Choir Room. You can reach that via the freshman campus office entrance. 

Among the items to be discussed are details of the Spring Trip coming up in March, fundraisers still available to help your student raise funds, and an update from Mr. Dierdorff on the upcoming musical -  Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat, a joint Fine Arts Dept. production, opening the end of January.

Please make plans to attend. 

Thank you,
The KHSCA Executive Board