Thursday, May 8, 2014

Volunteers needed - Tuesday, May 13 - 3pm KHS Commons


We need your help decorating on Tuesday, May 13th at 3pm for the Choir Banquet. Please arrive by 3pm and look for Jocelyn Richardson. She will direct you to the areas in need of hands to help!

We appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you there!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Volunteers needed for Masterworks - this weekend!

Parents: Volunteers needed for Masterworks - April 25 and 26, 2014

Parents we need volunteers for the following shifts, this weekend, Friday and Saturday. If you can help, please email Jennifer Hollingshead at

Friday, April 25, 2014 
5:30 to 7pm - 5 needed, 3 spots left - Help serve pizza in West Cafeteria.
8 - 9pm - 2 to 3 needed, pass out Masterworks shirts to students as they leave.

Saturday, April 26, 2014
4:30 to 6:30pm - Need 2-3 parents to help serve Jason's Deli lunch boxes.
6:30 to 6:45pm - Need 5 parents including Dads, to help clear changing rooms and get students to performance areas.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Spring Reminders


April 10, 2014 - Dessert Cabaret

April 14, 2014 - Butterbraids to be delivered and distributed to those that sold

April 15, 2014 - 7pm Choir Room
General Meeting - Spring - Please plan to attend and help us elect and vote in the new 2014-2015 KHSCA Board.

April 25 & 26 - Masterworks - Volunteers are needed.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Volunteers are needed please check out our calendar for the latest needs.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Parents of Varsity Choir Men and Women 
(this includes all of 6th period and boys in 2nd period classes)

Parents please note additional practices are needed to prepare the students for UIL Choir competitions this year, we are asking the students in 6th period and boys from 2nd period to please attend the following mandatory practices:

They are on Monday evenings from 6:30pm to 8:30pm in the Choir room

January 27

February 3

February 10

February 24 - working with clinician Dr Fish from SFA

March 3

March 17

March 24

Additional information was sent home with students, please ask them for the form with more information on attendance policy, etc.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

REMINDER: Parent Meeting, Tuesday Jan 14, 2014

Parents and Students,

Just a quick reminder that we will have a parent meeting at 7pm in the Choir Room on Tuesday, Jan. 14,2014. We look forward to seeing all of you there. 

We are in need of volunteers for upcoming events and will discuss the greatest areas of need at this meeting, in addition to the rest of this school year's calendar for choir students.